■ A wagashi-making experience

A wagashi-making experience


Time required:60min


Minimum number of people:2


Price per person:4,000yen

■12:00 p.m. 1 days prior to the event date.

Book an activity

A wagashi-making experience

time required: 60mincapacity:12 [Minimum number of people:2 ]

time required: 60min

capacity:12人 [Minimum number of people:2 ]

A wagashi-making experience

We will be making wagashi with expert wagashi confectioners from one of the three great confectionery places in Japan, Matsue. This time, there are two kinds of Jo-namagashi, Nerikiri and Kinton. Using special wagashi tools, we will make seasonal wagashi. It will be a time to experience traditional Japanese craftsmanship, Matsue’s history, Japanese aesthetics, and the craftsman's dexterity. In addition to the two wagashi sweets you make, you will receive one of Saiundo's signature sweets, Wakakusa, to take home. The contents and tools used change according to the season, so you can look forward to that element of surprise.

Experience Schedule

start time: 11:00/14:00

Hand washing and sanitizing
Instructor's explanation
Wagashi-making experience
Instructor's explanation
Tidying up

Important information

Conditions and Cancellation of the Experience:
The event could be cancelled if bad weather interferes with the instructor's travel plans.

Price per person

■Price per person:

In case of bad weather such as typhoon, it may be cancelled. (contact us to confirm the tour)


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